Case Studies

Our collection of case studies tells the story behind some of our very best packaging solutions.


CTP boxes and packaging is a private label and packaging firm located in Miami, Florida, that has been serving to help its clients secure a safe spot in the market place with its inspirational packaging, innovative redesigning an admirable quality, and when all of that meets with a customer-centric and service-minded attitude, client satisfaction is guaranteed! Whether you want to expand your brand or stay current with the market changes, a fresh or updated packaging label is the first step to it. Labels do more than just promoting and branding your product, they serve as visual insights for the customers to help them collect all the useful info about your product like its contents, instructions, specific warnings and of course, the pricing. For that, you need experts who can produce visually appealing, legible, informative and fun labels that will knock your competitors out of the ring. Redesigning or updating the client’s product packaging in such a way that it benefits their business, is our forte.

Take this example for instance. Our client and sister company, Costex Tractor Parts, previously had a packaging label that was flawed in some ways. According to their feedback, their own customers were writing on the boxes to identify product codes clearly.

Customers hand wrote the product code on their boxes.

That clearly was not the most convenient and best option for product marking. The labels that they used before were not efficient for this purpose. Also, when it came to the visual appeal, they lacked the round logo that the company used in their marketing and they didn’t stand out or grabbed attention, another thing that needed correction.

Previous labels used by the company.

After considering everything that was wrong with the labels, we made out a plan and carefully redesigned it for them after a considerable amount of research. In this newly designed label, we were very cautious in choosing the new font as we wanted to keep it prominent and easily readable so that there are fewer mistakes in receiving and forwarding the package. With this new font, the feedback we got was that a great deal of picking errors was reduced as a result.

New Labels designed together with our Team.